Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday July 14

A week or so at home does wonders for what ails ya...
I have felt better every day: more energy, better humor, interest in socializing...didn't know how bad I felt until I felt better.

I've chipped away at the to do list:
mowed the grass, vacuumed the basement, signed up daisy and myself for basic obedience training, took the glass recyclables, called the roofer (I'm finding he's not prompt returning my phone call...doesn't bode well for his getting the job...)

I also went to yoga & had lunch with a friend, rode bikes at oak mtn, met zag and awe for fun and drink,  met my favorite old men at hardees at 7 am on Saturday morning & went to the wood turners meeting...all for my personal health and growth. I've noticed that I feel I have stiff joints, tight and weak (and small) muscles...
I've had some interesting employment offers as well. When people know you're not gainfully employed, they tell you things you could do (you know, in case you wanted to)..

Some new considerations :   cyclo cross bike races this winter, going to bartender class for an occasional fun side job (and useful at holiday parties), pilates training, Thai yoga massage training....
I have lots to look forward to.
I've been in contact with Trooper..she, m80 & willow continue to trudge northward through the increasingly tougher terrain...she commented that they feel not as strong a they once did, more problems with feet, etc....I think they're just worn down...I'm hoping the weather is kind to them, because the terrain can't be changed..

pics: Sunday morning on the back porch...breakfast and the newspaper...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's tough being at home...July 8

Katahdin descent June 24

Katahdin approach June 24

Tuesday July 9, 2013

So here I am  at home. As  wander around my familiar surroundings, I am overcome with peace..I can breathe deeper. I can converse without tears.
There's a  "honey-Do" list in the making.. It makes me happy to have assorted tasks to complete and lots of time to do so.
There are so many things to look forward to : cooking and eating fresh food, going to training with Daisy (the now 55 pound newest canine addition), working in the yard, cleaning out and organizing the basement.
I'm wondering what to do with all the leftover dehydrated food...I don't guess I can donate it to a food bank as it's not commercial nor is it "sealed for your protection"...I think I'll just eat it. I lost 10 pounds during my hike.  For once, the weight on my driver's license is correct!
Things I want to do:
Yoga, regularly
Garden, consistently
Walk a LOT back didn't bother me a single time while I was hiking...I've been home 3 days and it's an issue..stiff.
Keep my drivers license accurate...I'm finding I still have hiker appetite, but not burning hiker calories...Hmmmm
Several of you have commented that I should still blog...I'll give it a shot..once a week or so..I can't imagine anything interesting enough to share/ worth reading
maybe it's like watching a soap opera or reality show...paying attention to someone else's stuff may take your mind off of your own stuff..( for the good or bad)
the  unofficial blog  title :  the crazy daily adventures of a temporarily "kept" woman

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Thursday July 4

Happy independence day!
The tyvek twins were up and gone by 430..crazy north bounders..almost done and ready to be.
Don sat up and I said"you don't really want to get up yet, do you?" He laid back down. Later when I was up, dressed, and packed, I asked him what time it was (I don't have a watch)...walking at much for sleeping in a bit.
Still miles of mud, but diminished in places so that I could go around the edges in places and my feet remain relatively dry. Until i slip into ankle deep mud.
I'm wearing shorts and short sleeves as it's simply too hot for pants and sleeves. I hope the ticks are more affected by the deet than the mosquitos...
Sunny again today, but not much better. I'm still not walking with the light heart I once had. As i walk today, even amidst the sunshine, I know that the hike is done. When I find that I have a signal, I call for a shuttle to Stratton and feel such relief, knowing that I am headed home.

I have finished my 1100 mile hike of the Appalachian trail.
I am eternally grateful for all those who helped me along the way.
Pics:  4th of July lobster boil party with Sobos at the Stratton motel hostel; Finn, son of Joanna (owner and chef of Stratton diner, a true angel) and my dancing partner; we had to kick off our shoes to dance properly; me on the plane..happy to be headed home

Tuesday July 2

126.9 marble brook? No! Roads impassable to that drop off point, so e must be taken further to moxie pond road (139.3) there are 4 of us being dropped off: Todd the world traveler, 2 guys from near bear mountain in new York (Kenny and Dustin) and me. 5 miles of uphill and one mile step descent...Todd and I soon left the 2 newbies behind..hoping they could find their way across the rocky was misting rain (of course) and the blazes &/or cairns are tricky to follow up on the summits...made it to pleasant pond lean to (145.5) just before the skies opened up yet again to add more wet to the muck that is Maine.
I'll need to leave close to 6am in order to reach the canoe ferry across the kennebec river (6 miles away) between 9 and 11 am...not sure what's in store terrain wise... It would be so nice just to be able to actually walk...then only to pierce pond lean to (155.2) if it's slow going. Tonight Todd tells entertaining stories of past travels, baboons & girlfriends...a funny guy.
Thanks again to the great staff at Shaws in monson: Dana, Diane, Dick, Sue, buddy, John.

Wednesday July 3

Pleasant pond lean to (145.5) to
West carry pond (165.5) 

Across kennebec river via canoe ferry this morning..arrived right at 9 am..crossed with Al , a sobo from D.C who helped paddle...the river was 15 feet deep in places and swift..thank goodness for the ferry mandate...too bad someone had to die for it to happen...taking the ferry was always an option, but did have a fee...most back packers are on a tight budget...
Arrived at original destination at 11 am on a sunny day, seemed silly to stop, so I kept walking...I did stop by Harrisons pierce pond sport camp to see what it was...nice guy named Tim is the's just a place people come for a week in the woods..Tim cooks all meals and guides any ventures as needed. We chatted a bit and he gave me some water and showed me around. Then I was on my way. The"ponds"here are our "lakes". I looked forward to swimming and bathing in the pond as I walked today. At the shelter were Don, an older fellow from Kentucky who is finishing his many year section hike of the AT. "The tyvek twins" are brothers (not actually twins) that sewed their own sleeping bags and food bags from tyvek, a water resistant, durable, windproof material used to "wrap" new construction. Sounded like they were wallowing in potato chip bags all night...Al from the canoe showed up and he and the twins talked conspiracy theory for hours...I put in my ear buds and listened to a few audio Ted talks...
The sunny day, swim, and bath lifted my spirits a bit...short day planned tomorrow since my extra miles put me a day ahead of schedule to arrive in Stratton. Maybe I can sleep in a bit?
The mosquitos are big, brown and hungry. I can walk faster than they can fly, but if I have to slow down or stop (when picking my way over muddy roots and rocks) they descend upon my deeted skin with an insatiable fury. They seem less ferocious as it cools down at night. I do hide in my silk liner when I sleep and attempt to keep a space buffer between my face and the liner...I know they can bite me through the liner...I would have put up my tent inside the shelter, but I was simply too tired. Someone came up in a boat and delivered a five gallon bucket with 4 gallon zip locks of home made cookies:4th of July trail magic! Pecan chocolate chip..I only had one as eating other food doesn't lighten my pack weight...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday July 1,2013

High lights of the past week:

Tuesday June 25:13.4 miles to hurd brook lean to ( Sobo mile point18.6) arrived at 2 pm. Toad and moose spotter here..they came 3 miles from last shelter...they are sore.
I had to use my bug head net today to keep the gnats out of my eyeballs. The net worked well over my little desert camo bucket hat. I'm trying long pants and sleeves for a physical mosquito barrier, buff around my neck...I can't see well through the net which is a problem if the footing is uncertain..
Terrain here is moss, rocks, roots, water...muddy bogs. Lots of moose poop and tracks on the trail.
I string up my tent using my paracord inside the shelter..using it as a bug net for sleeping..inside and ready for sleep at 530pm..long day planned tomorrow

Wednesday June 26

Up at 5am, walking at 550 am...slept fairly well with earplugs.. Made it 19.4 Miles to wadLeigh lean to..I'm alone tonight. Blister on left Achilles from trash in sock, left pinky toe sore...does moose tracks ice cream have chocolate covered almonds? If so, I know why it's called that..
today I .walked around crescent pond and along rainbow lake..mud and roots and rocks persist. I fell today..slipped on a root..nothing injured but it's frustrating!
2 creeks to ford tomorrow..not looking forward to it.

Thursday June 27th
21.4 miles to Cooper brook (59.7)
Didn't leave until 730, arrived at 530..really long day. Lots of balance beam walking through and over muddy bogs and fording across creeks, rock hopping across streams swollen with all the rain. Expecting more rain tonight. I plan to go only 11.7 miles to loan brook tomorrow...give my bones a rest.
Chicken, black beans and rice for dinner, Lorna doones and ginger tea and a snicker fun size for dessert...yum. 3 ibuprofen and 1 Benadryl, too.

Friday June 28
Left at 730am...rainy, cool and windy...perfect hypothermia weather...only made it to east branch lean to (67.8) after fording the East branch river knee deep and a little swift for me...luckily I caught up to the 4 section hikers as they were crossing so I wasn't alone..:
Kim, doc, map maker, lam..we got to the shelter and decided to stay and get dry and warm.. We thought we may go another 3.6 miles to the next shelter if the weather cleared, but it's still raining at 3pm...

Saturday June 29th
Left at 630am...I soon left the section hikers behind. Arrived at chair back lean to at close to 7 pm...21.6 miles..too long and stressful of a day..5 big climbs with chair back being the worst...I wouldn't have continued on after fording the river (tearfully prayers  were answered as there was a  nice young couple on the other bank that waited for me to cross...I wanted someone to be there)...all the young guys were at the shelter so it was full...setting my tent up so all will be soaked in the morning...I've been in Maine almost a week and haven't seen the sun..or Katahdin either, for that matter...all the"views"have been a foggy mist...Maine is a miserably muddy place, the trail is rarely walkable...I either slog through moose poop mud that tries to keep my shoes, shin deep puddles where the rain water isn't draining off the "trail" (that is a stream bed), or I'm scaling up or down slippery wet boulders ...this is the worst place I've been, mentally and physically!

Sunday June 30
Chair back (88.5) to otter pond parking
Thank God for shuttles! Screw the next 3 river crossings..I'm going to Monson!
Thanks to Curly, slingshot and the boys for keeping me company and just this side of insanity today....I'm on my own nerve and need a rest badly when I can't even speak without crying...ugh.
So I proudly skipped the last 14 miles into monson in the name of safety and sanity.
Thanks to buddy for plucking me our of the mud, Dana and Dawn at Shaws for reassurance, Kim at spring street bbq for great food and an angelic,  supportive, encouraging 2 interactions. If you're ever near Monson, ME, please pay these establishments a visit! Upon arriving at Shaws, I dried out my tent, did laundry, showered, ate bbq, went to bed.
Monday July 1
Up at 530, in the kitchen helping with breakfast: washing dishes and clearing tables..(I volunteered for this...2ND career?) Spent the day sanitizing water bladder, filter, shoes, pack, organizing food and hike/resupply schedule for the next 3 weeks or so...this is very time consuming...plan is to skip ahead beyond the next 2 river fords due to the continued rain..water level and flow rates make it too dangerous...4 people got swept downstream yesterday on one of the rivers I skipped coming in...
I've really tried to give myself short days in this God-awful terrain...the elevation profile is just hint as to the difficulty of the terrain: boulders to climb though and over or a nice walking path?...if we all knew that up front, it may diminish the adventure? Nah I'd like to be prepared.
My mental state is much better after some well needed rest, ..I will just need to be willing to back off my "push" and enjoy what is presented to me..I fell if I give myself time for, and actually take several breaks each day, this will be a less stressful experience. I am and always have been my own worst enemy....I hope my feeling toward the great state of Maine had shifted positively before my next post.

Pics: tent bug net; allowing wet stuff to air and drip; poor feet had a wet week; bbq chicken, beans, Mac n cheese, lemonade; chicken salad.
Not many pics of hiking as it was raining the whole time.