Saturday, February 23, 2013

Final countdown

There are lots of "lasts" happening....last day working with one of my oldest and favorite colleagues was this past Thursday..
This upcoming week at work is my last..(at least with this group of morons that have tolerated my corny jokes all these years)  : )
-each patient interaction will likely be my last with that person.

As I continue to tie up loose ends I'm racking my brain "what else needs doing? I'm trying to make poor Andrea's upcoming tasks a little easier:
-organizing the computer desktop icons into functional groups (financial, trail schedules and information, etc)
-creating separate piles in the basement : clothing and supplies I will need later as the seasons change and/or stuff just wears out (or is too stinky to tolerate any longer.)

I opened a separate checking account for 2 reasons.
What's there is what I have....forced budget : )
If some theiving asshole takes my card he only has access to the one account...not our joint account or our credit card account....(you know there will be some real tacky folks along the way and I'd like to be prepared...too bad I don't have nunchakus skills)...

This morning I worked on finalizing my "bounce box" (I'll keep sending this ahead to myself). It contains refills of glucosamine (for my aging knees), one- a-day vitamins (for the rest of my aging body), ibuprofen (for what the previous two don't take care of), Benadryl (for when I'm to achy to sleep OR  Zag puts poison ivy on my toilet paper). Also has refills of hand sanitizer, goldbond powder, tampons (ugh...that'll be an entirely different discussion), tape and blister dressings (Johnson & Johnson makes an awesome hydrocolloid dressing that you can leave on for several days, allowing the wound bed to heal without being disturbed and greatly reducing the chance of infection), repair kit for tent, etc.,extra floss, toothpaste and toothbrush, extra trash compacter bag, An extra piece of heavy duty foil for my stove....
tape and labels and address list of all destinations.....

Gonna go out now and pick up a few more little items...

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