Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday July 14

A week or so at home does wonders for what ails ya...
I have felt better every day: more energy, better humor, interest in socializing...didn't know how bad I felt until I felt better.

I've chipped away at the to do list:
mowed the grass, vacuumed the basement, signed up daisy and myself for basic obedience training, took the glass recyclables, called the roofer (I'm finding he's not prompt returning my phone call...doesn't bode well for his getting the job...)

I also went to yoga & had lunch with a friend, rode bikes at oak mtn, met zag and awe for fun and drink,  met my favorite old men at hardees at 7 am on Saturday morning & went to the wood turners meeting...all for my personal health and growth. I've noticed that I feel I have stiff joints, tight and weak (and small) muscles...
I've had some interesting employment offers as well. When people know you're not gainfully employed, they tell you things you could do (you know, in case you wanted to)..

Some new considerations :   cyclo cross bike races this winter, going to bartender class for an occasional fun side job (and useful at holiday parties), pilates training, Thai yoga massage training....
I have lots to look forward to.
I've been in contact with Trooper..she, m80 & willow continue to trudge northward through the increasingly tougher terrain...she commented that they feel not as strong a they once did, more problems with feet, etc....I think they're just worn down...I'm hoping the weather is kind to them, because the terrain can't be changed..

pics: Sunday morning on the back porch...breakfast and the newspaper...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's tough being at home...July 8

Katahdin descent June 24

Katahdin approach June 24

Tuesday July 9, 2013

So here I am  at home. As  wander around my familiar surroundings, I am overcome with peace..I can breathe deeper. I can converse without tears.
There's a  "honey-Do" list in the making.. It makes me happy to have assorted tasks to complete and lots of time to do so.
There are so many things to look forward to : cooking and eating fresh food, going to training with Daisy (the now 55 pound newest canine addition), working in the yard, cleaning out and organizing the basement.
I'm wondering what to do with all the leftover dehydrated food...I don't guess I can donate it to a food bank as it's not commercial nor is it "sealed for your protection"...I think I'll just eat it. I lost 10 pounds during my hike.  For once, the weight on my driver's license is correct!
Things I want to do:
Yoga, regularly
Garden, consistently
Walk a LOT back didn't bother me a single time while I was hiking...I've been home 3 days and it's an issue..stiff.
Keep my drivers license accurate...I'm finding I still have hiker appetite, but not burning hiker calories...Hmmmm
Several of you have commented that I should still blog...I'll give it a shot..once a week or so..I can't imagine anything interesting enough to share/ worth reading
maybe it's like watching a soap opera or reality show...paying attention to someone else's stuff may take your mind off of your own stuff..( for the good or bad)
the  unofficial blog  title :  the crazy daily adventures of a temporarily "kept" woman

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Thursday July 4

Happy independence day!
The tyvek twins were up and gone by 430..crazy north bounders..almost done and ready to be.
Don sat up and I said"you don't really want to get up yet, do you?" He laid back down. Later when I was up, dressed, and packed, I asked him what time it was (I don't have a watch)...walking at much for sleeping in a bit.
Still miles of mud, but diminished in places so that I could go around the edges in places and my feet remain relatively dry. Until i slip into ankle deep mud.
I'm wearing shorts and short sleeves as it's simply too hot for pants and sleeves. I hope the ticks are more affected by the deet than the mosquitos...
Sunny again today, but not much better. I'm still not walking with the light heart I once had. As i walk today, even amidst the sunshine, I know that the hike is done. When I find that I have a signal, I call for a shuttle to Stratton and feel such relief, knowing that I am headed home.

I have finished my 1100 mile hike of the Appalachian trail.
I am eternally grateful for all those who helped me along the way.
Pics:  4th of July lobster boil party with Sobos at the Stratton motel hostel; Finn, son of Joanna (owner and chef of Stratton diner, a true angel) and my dancing partner; we had to kick off our shoes to dance properly; me on the plane..happy to be headed home

Tuesday July 2

126.9 marble brook? No! Roads impassable to that drop off point, so e must be taken further to moxie pond road (139.3) there are 4 of us being dropped off: Todd the world traveler, 2 guys from near bear mountain in new York (Kenny and Dustin) and me. 5 miles of uphill and one mile step descent...Todd and I soon left the 2 newbies behind..hoping they could find their way across the rocky was misting rain (of course) and the blazes &/or cairns are tricky to follow up on the summits...made it to pleasant pond lean to (145.5) just before the skies opened up yet again to add more wet to the muck that is Maine.
I'll need to leave close to 6am in order to reach the canoe ferry across the kennebec river (6 miles away) between 9 and 11 am...not sure what's in store terrain wise... It would be so nice just to be able to actually walk...then only to pierce pond lean to (155.2) if it's slow going. Tonight Todd tells entertaining stories of past travels, baboons & girlfriends...a funny guy.
Thanks again to the great staff at Shaws in monson: Dana, Diane, Dick, Sue, buddy, John.

Wednesday July 3

Pleasant pond lean to (145.5) to
West carry pond (165.5) 

Across kennebec river via canoe ferry this morning..arrived right at 9 am..crossed with Al , a sobo from D.C who helped paddle...the river was 15 feet deep in places and swift..thank goodness for the ferry mandate...too bad someone had to die for it to happen...taking the ferry was always an option, but did have a fee...most back packers are on a tight budget...
Arrived at original destination at 11 am on a sunny day, seemed silly to stop, so I kept walking...I did stop by Harrisons pierce pond sport camp to see what it was...nice guy named Tim is the's just a place people come for a week in the woods..Tim cooks all meals and guides any ventures as needed. We chatted a bit and he gave me some water and showed me around. Then I was on my way. The"ponds"here are our "lakes". I looked forward to swimming and bathing in the pond as I walked today. At the shelter were Don, an older fellow from Kentucky who is finishing his many year section hike of the AT. "The tyvek twins" are brothers (not actually twins) that sewed their own sleeping bags and food bags from tyvek, a water resistant, durable, windproof material used to "wrap" new construction. Sounded like they were wallowing in potato chip bags all night...Al from the canoe showed up and he and the twins talked conspiracy theory for hours...I put in my ear buds and listened to a few audio Ted talks...
The sunny day, swim, and bath lifted my spirits a bit...short day planned tomorrow since my extra miles put me a day ahead of schedule to arrive in Stratton. Maybe I can sleep in a bit?
The mosquitos are big, brown and hungry. I can walk faster than they can fly, but if I have to slow down or stop (when picking my way over muddy roots and rocks) they descend upon my deeted skin with an insatiable fury. They seem less ferocious as it cools down at night. I do hide in my silk liner when I sleep and attempt to keep a space buffer between my face and the liner...I know they can bite me through the liner...I would have put up my tent inside the shelter, but I was simply too tired. Someone came up in a boat and delivered a five gallon bucket with 4 gallon zip locks of home made cookies:4th of July trail magic! Pecan chocolate chip..I only had one as eating other food doesn't lighten my pack weight...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday July 1,2013

High lights of the past week:

Tuesday June 25:13.4 miles to hurd brook lean to ( Sobo mile point18.6) arrived at 2 pm. Toad and moose spotter here..they came 3 miles from last shelter...they are sore.
I had to use my bug head net today to keep the gnats out of my eyeballs. The net worked well over my little desert camo bucket hat. I'm trying long pants and sleeves for a physical mosquito barrier, buff around my neck...I can't see well through the net which is a problem if the footing is uncertain..
Terrain here is moss, rocks, roots, water...muddy bogs. Lots of moose poop and tracks on the trail.
I string up my tent using my paracord inside the shelter..using it as a bug net for sleeping..inside and ready for sleep at 530pm..long day planned tomorrow

Wednesday June 26

Up at 5am, walking at 550 am...slept fairly well with earplugs.. Made it 19.4 Miles to wadLeigh lean to..I'm alone tonight. Blister on left Achilles from trash in sock, left pinky toe sore...does moose tracks ice cream have chocolate covered almonds? If so, I know why it's called that..
today I .walked around crescent pond and along rainbow lake..mud and roots and rocks persist. I fell today..slipped on a root..nothing injured but it's frustrating!
2 creeks to ford tomorrow..not looking forward to it.

Thursday June 27th
21.4 miles to Cooper brook (59.7)
Didn't leave until 730, arrived at 530..really long day. Lots of balance beam walking through and over muddy bogs and fording across creeks, rock hopping across streams swollen with all the rain. Expecting more rain tonight. I plan to go only 11.7 miles to loan brook tomorrow...give my bones a rest.
Chicken, black beans and rice for dinner, Lorna doones and ginger tea and a snicker fun size for dessert...yum. 3 ibuprofen and 1 Benadryl, too.

Friday June 28
Left at 730am...rainy, cool and windy...perfect hypothermia weather...only made it to east branch lean to (67.8) after fording the East branch river knee deep and a little swift for me...luckily I caught up to the 4 section hikers as they were crossing so I wasn't alone..:
Kim, doc, map maker, lam..we got to the shelter and decided to stay and get dry and warm.. We thought we may go another 3.6 miles to the next shelter if the weather cleared, but it's still raining at 3pm...

Saturday June 29th
Left at 630am...I soon left the section hikers behind. Arrived at chair back lean to at close to 7 pm...21.6 miles..too long and stressful of a day..5 big climbs with chair back being the worst...I wouldn't have continued on after fording the river (tearfully prayers  were answered as there was a  nice young couple on the other bank that waited for me to cross...I wanted someone to be there)...all the young guys were at the shelter so it was full...setting my tent up so all will be soaked in the morning...I've been in Maine almost a week and haven't seen the sun..or Katahdin either, for that matter...all the"views"have been a foggy mist...Maine is a miserably muddy place, the trail is rarely walkable...I either slog through moose poop mud that tries to keep my shoes, shin deep puddles where the rain water isn't draining off the "trail" (that is a stream bed), or I'm scaling up or down slippery wet boulders ...this is the worst place I've been, mentally and physically!

Sunday June 30
Chair back (88.5) to otter pond parking
Thank God for shuttles! Screw the next 3 river crossings..I'm going to Monson!
Thanks to Curly, slingshot and the boys for keeping me company and just this side of insanity today....I'm on my own nerve and need a rest badly when I can't even speak without crying...ugh.
So I proudly skipped the last 14 miles into monson in the name of safety and sanity.
Thanks to buddy for plucking me our of the mud, Dana and Dawn at Shaws for reassurance, Kim at spring street bbq for great food and an angelic,  supportive, encouraging 2 interactions. If you're ever near Monson, ME, please pay these establishments a visit! Upon arriving at Shaws, I dried out my tent, did laundry, showered, ate bbq, went to bed.
Monday July 1
Up at 530, in the kitchen helping with breakfast: washing dishes and clearing tables..(I volunteered for this...2ND career?) Spent the day sanitizing water bladder, filter, shoes, pack, organizing food and hike/resupply schedule for the next 3 weeks or so...this is very time consuming...plan is to skip ahead beyond the next 2 river fords due to the continued rain..water level and flow rates make it too dangerous...4 people got swept downstream yesterday on one of the rivers I skipped coming in...
I've really tried to give myself short days in this God-awful terrain...the elevation profile is just hint as to the difficulty of the terrain: boulders to climb though and over or a nice walking path?...if we all knew that up front, it may diminish the adventure? Nah I'd like to be prepared.
My mental state is much better after some well needed rest, ..I will just need to be willing to back off my "push" and enjoy what is presented to me..I fell if I give myself time for, and actually take several breaks each day, this will be a less stressful experience. I am and always have been my own worst enemy....I hope my feeling toward the great state of Maine had shifted positively before my next post.

Pics: tent bug net; allowing wet stuff to air and drip; poor feet had a wet week; bbq chicken, beans, Mac n cheese, lemonade; chicken salad.
Not many pics of hiking as it was raining the whole time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday June 24th

Great nights sleep. 2 other hikers here: Line wolf and his yet UN named female companion...she is miserable and has had enough of trail life...I think they started last week. I heard her on the phone with an encouraging friend. Afterwards, I gave her my nickels worth: "if you're miserable, be done with it..."
She's done..but is going car camping this weekend...I'm jealous of that!

So, big news of today: I summited Katahdin today! 5.2 miles up, then back down....foggy and good views, and a bit scary to be quite honest..lots of rock scrambling...I'm so glad I've done some rock climbing before so that I wasn't frozen with fear as I'm sure others would be.

I got up at 5am, walked down to the cafe for a ham and cheese omelette, caught the 630 shuttle to Baxter state park...scored an awesome day pack from the ranger (Yves)...apparently he had some  relationship with the 80s show "fresh prince of bel air"...

Hitch hiked piece meal back to town: big thanks to the hikers from new Brunswick!!
Tonight, jugs and aloha here..nobos that summited to COMPLETE their thru hike...I'm certainly more excited than they are...she said "I'm just tired"...

A young man and his dad are starting their thru hike..will summit Katahdin tomorrow...lone wolf (who may change his name to curly due to his head full of curls..)will start Sobo again soon...
Pics: me..happy and tired; the last toilet on the AT...wish I remembered the first one; AT sign; foggy mtn; white lady slipper

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday June 23

Here I sit in a tiny bus station in Bangor, ME. It's 330pm and I've been up since 430am. Flew out of Birmingham at 6 am, changed planes in Charlotte and Philly, took a cab to the bus station, awaiting 630 bus to Medway, ME, then a shuttle to Millinocket...I don't know how long that last piece will take.
I'm excited about starting south bound from Maine, but also a bit nervous as I feel like I'm in a foreign land with strangers. I've tried to think of everything I need and as a result, my pack seems too heavy...even though I weighed it and it's only 34 pounds with 7 days of food (no water)...I think it's that I know I must start out with the most  food ever...I already know I'll eat a lot the first few days just to reduce pack weight...the terrain looks flat on the elevation profile, so maybe I can eat a lot and walk a lot....that would work out great!
I've brought (and am wearing) lightweight hiking pants and a long sleeved sun shirt to Minimize the skin I'm exposing to the flesh eating black flies. I called a few hiker hostels yesterday to get a fly update...turns out they're still out and biting, but the numbers should be down drastically by mid July...I'll keep you posted. I've sprayed all my clothing with permethrin and brought deet as a back up. The deet seemed to work great against the ticks, but I hated putting it directly on my skin. I've chosen to cover my skin with (chemically treated) fabric instead of applying the chemicals directly to my skin....
I hope all of you know first hand the wonder of having a great family. I certainly appreciate it more as I age. I'm "wonderful blessed" as the little old lady in that Mississippi nursing home used to say! My family plucked me from the trail in front royal, VA, fed me all my favorite foods, let me bathe, do laundry and sleep, took me to rei...and get this..they were pleasant and engaging and seemed genuinely interested in my adventures! The nephews just keep growing! Many thanks y'all!

The other side of my family and some new friends (we'll call these "the dark side") went to the grand canyon via Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a freak show on steroids...the best people watching EVER. Also the hottest and driest climate EVER.
You know how you hate using the oven in the summer because it makes the kitchen too hot? Well, next time you make a pan of cornbread (450°), when you take out that cast iron skillet that you've preheated, just leave the oven door open and stick your face right down in there....and stay for a minute or two....while your face is melting off your skull, smile and say "welcome to Vegas, baby! Where's Elvis?"
Felt good, didn't it? Next time, just for bonus points, see if you can get your feet in there, too!
We enjoyed some good food, pool time and laughs before heading out to the canyon. Western river expeditions is the way to see the grand canyon....I love hiking, but it's a real time- inefficient method of exploring the canyon. On the J rig boat, I had no worry of the boat flipping as we crashed through the rapids (which is a very efficient cooling mechanism, by the way). We would pull over and hike to the most beautiful places I've ever seen...lovely turquoise creeks and pools, shady places to relax, and the I have a new fascination for geology...
A few days at home to visit,  "get my stuff together" and tackle the "honey-do"list and here I am...headed back out
to the AT.  Shutterbug has also flip flopped and is about a week ahead of me..maybe we'll see each other!
Tomorrow I plan to summit Katahdin, spend one last night in a bed, eat one more good meal, then head south on Tuesday....
I look forward to keeping y'all up to date as my crazy adventure continues. Thanks so much for your continued interest and support!

Pics: there's Elvis!; the dark side

Tuesday June 4

An interesting array of people usual. A lady and her brother here to section hike together, using the hostel as a base camp. A few other folks in their 60s doing the same thing. They all seem really nice. Thru hikers I recognize: the young couple from Austin, TX that interviewed m80 & trooper at the campground. Other thru hikers here that I don't know and probably won't see again since I'm leaving the trail for a few weeks.

I only grabbed a flat sheet for cover last night and I woke up cold...all I could find to use for warmth (without actually getting out of bed) was my towel I'd hung up to worked well enough for the few hours of sleep I had left....
Up early to get going! Only 4 miles to family!
After I've  eaten, brushed my teeth and packed, I'm ready. Except my trekking poles are missing. This is where I put them and they are not there. I can't walk without my poles. I've forgotten how to do reciprocal arm swing without using thru hiker would have taken them as we want our stuff and we know where it is. The scattered section hiker must have picked them up accidentally...she did put toothpaste on her toothbrush then wrap it inside a tshirt and put it in her pack..then spent 10 minutes searching frantically before she found it....yeah, my money is on her..but she is long gone...I called the hostel owner that is shuttling her. He arrives 45 minutes later with my poles. In the meantime, I get to hang out with a new guy, Lush. He and I walk together to front royal, VA. My family greets me as we have all arrived at the same time. The pole fiasco made the timing perfect! I will be returning to the trail towards the end of June...I'll let you know how lovely the grand canyon was....
Pics: Lush; the nephews and their sweet mom.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Monday June 3

The plan today it's to get as close to front royal as the weather will allow! The timing of the afternoon thunderstorms is the key. It's already cloudy this morning... Worst case scenario is to go only 13 miles to gravel springs hut and have 14 miles to do tomorrow, best case is to go 23 miles to the hostel and only have 4 miles into town tomorrow..I like the sound of option number 2! My family is picking me up tomorrow and I want to have an easy walk, allowing time and energy to enjoy our day together! (3 nephews to keep up with)...
I leave camp about 7am..i did set up my tent in the shelter last night..there were lots of insects crawling and flying around..I had no interest in interacting with them. And it did rain last night ..i didn't want to deal with a wet tent this morning. Yeah, I know I'm backpacking, but I have gear and I'm not scared to use it to increase my comfort and safety in the great outdoors. That's what gear is for, right?
My anticipated highlight of today was to be (another) stop at a wayside. My intention was to finally get a milkshake. I arrived at the wayside at 10am...early enough to get something from the breakfast menu! After a bacon, egg and cheese bagel with a chocolate shake, I was on my way!...I saw 2 adult whitetail deer with NO fear of hikers..they just stood there, less than 15 feet away, looking at me....I also saw 2 big rabbits.
These, with the far away bear and several black snakes, fulfill my "wildlife encounter" check off list for the Shenandoah national park. I will admit to singing aloud with an occasional extra loud "woo-hoo" thrown in for good measure..all to give fair warning to the fauna of my approach. Today i added an extra layer of fauna-alarming strategy: loud classical music. I figured out how to use my bandanna to hammock my phone at the upper edge of my sports bra while simultaneously keeping the screen protected from my sweaty I plodded down the last mile of trail...assuring that no more creatures would be added to my "seen"list....

I made it to the terrapin hostel at 530pm, my feet just shy of abandoning the rest of my body out of sheer contempt....all I can do is apologize with promises of massage and gentle stretches following the warm shower and moisturizing....
I ate the last of my delicious trail food, polished of a pint of carrot cake ice cream (not my first choice in ice cream flavors...not nearly enough chocolate) then hit the bunks for a restless night of the rotisserie chicken bed dance....I can never get comfortable on an air mattress, which is what was available...and it had a helmet sized lump off to one side, which threatened to toss me off the side of my top bunk, 6ft down to the concrete floor...I deflated the mattress enough that I didn't feel like it was trying to hurl me off the cliff...
My last Good night on the trail before meeting up with family here, then going to the grand canyon with more family! I'm sure it's anticipation that kept me rolling all night!

Pics: sign for the hostel;  mike, the owner; the bunk room

Sunday June 2

Left rock spring (923) at 738am..arrived at pass mtn (938.6) at 5 ish...
We saw a juvenile black bear this morning..too far away to get a good was cute and the perfect distance away!
I dropped off team fortis at Thornton gap this afternoon they had to go into Luray for a resupply.. .boo hoo..I will miss my trail peeps..

Here tonight: 6'7", lucky strike, kaboose & sassafras (father and 13 year old daughter)

Pics: new flower; old friends

Saturday June 1

Beautiful night at the and breezy, in fact, that I had to retrieve socks in the middle of the night... Slept in till 7am! Woo hoo! Today we went from Lewis mtn campground (911.0) to rock spring hut (923.3) with lunch at big Meadows wayside....(0.8 round trip)
The DEET on arms, legs, neck seems to be working. I can't find any attached ticks.I scratch every freckle I see and, so far, they seem to really be freckles. I push the tall grass aside with my poles..holding then like an old timer plow...hoping to knock the ticks off and also part the grass so I can make sure I'm not about to step on any snakes!
Interesting sights today: 30 colorfully dressed  multi generation Asians parading down the trail, John (Web breaker) the president of the Potomac ATC weed eating,
I had the fried chicken plate at the wayside. Dessert was black berry cobbler with black berry ice cream . A came outside and found a snicker bar on each of our packs (actually m80 stole mine, but later confessed)..we think it was John...thanks whoever it was! Tenting tonight on the hill above the shelter. Not quite level..I stuffed my sleeping bag under the right side of my mattress..maybe I won't roll down the hill...

Pic: John taking a break from weed eating to chat

Wednesday may 29

I forced myself our of bed at 6:15..oh the joy if strategic pillow placement..
Fit breakfast: coffee with a packet of hot cocoa mix, granola with vanilla yogurt, peanut butter sandwich..
The inn keepers daughter drove me to the trail..I hit the trail at 730am. I hiked a bit and had to fill or the permit to enter Shenandoah park...(team fortis isn't leaving until after 9am as they must drop a box of at the post office)
Today is a long hot humid day...I sang a lot..out loud to scare away any worked as several others had bear encounters today. Must have been the same bear as the common denominator was the lack of fear the bear exhibited toward humans. This bear was ON the trail..wouldn't move....delayed m80 by 45 minutes..
I passed 2 female section hikers wearing way too many clothes...sweater wrapped around their waist, pants stuffed into thick heavy socks...made me suffocate looking at the two of them...they showed up at camp about 2 hours after me..
Etch a sketch was at the shelter as I arrived..
There were bees and stink bugs all around the I chose to fortis showed up eventually with the awesome bear encounter story...
Earplugs in and off to bed. 21 miles is plenty today.
Pics: porch off side of  b&b..I had to adjust the porch was too high (my feet didn't touch the ground) and it was tipped too far back..

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday may 31

Up at 5am..probably had a bit too much wine yesterday..I drank lots of water during the night, had to pee twice and was sticky and yucky...I did not sleep well...plan is to get to Lewis mtn campground (911.1)
Celebrated 900 miles today..we can't believe it!..we didn't rest until lunch...
Trooper and I bathed off in the campground bathroom, I did sink laundry and it's hanging on the clothesline. Only 12 miles tomorrow so we plan to sleep in a little late and hike slow and have a late lunch at the big meadow wayside.
PIcs: celebrating 900 miles!;
Our narrow path through the tick infested grass...we noticed this is cleared with a weed eater near the public access areas...; our campsite, complete with hiker trash clothesline

Thursday may 30

We left at 715..I have earplugs, but apparently, the hiker virus is still alive..someone was puking at fortis heard it..we were out of there!
Today is a light day..only 13 Miles...we were so worthless..stopped at lost mtn wayside at 1030am...I had a ham sandwIch, sweet potato fries, followed by a blackberry ice cream float made with sierra mist......then we opened the red wine I'd been carrying since Waynesboro...we polished off 1.5L
we left the wayside at 3pm and walked the 4 miles to camp..sharing a tent site...had a box of red wine each with cold dinner (I ate the lunch i would've had today)
big day tomorrow 21 miles, alarm set for 5am...ugh..long day, but Saturday will be another easy day.
Pics: my trail family:
trooper battling climate control...fleece half on
M80 being himself...
Willow being good..waiting for the those bottom teeth

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday may 28

Chance of thunderstorms...Zero in Waynesboro!
Breakfast at b&b at 9am...
Lunch at Heritage with team fortis..(spinach salads with chicken and fruit.
M80 did not get a haircut, but trooper and I bought wine In a bag for hiking through Shenandoah.
We walked down to Klines for ice cream and met "heart rock" a lady doing trail magic while her man hikes.
Same dinner as last night.
Pics: funny sign outside a local business; hiker wine; willow being good; heart rock

Monday may 27

Happy memorial day!

Slept in till 730! It was great. Made coffee. Packed slowly. Left at 830
Walked 5 miles in 1.5 hours...called tree streets inn for my pick up...stopped by outfitters on the watt in for electrolyte tablet refill, socks and a new shirt sleeved Merino wool shirt.
Dragonfly tested as I was waiting for my ride into town  (retired air force. we met her and her husband onyx in the smokies..last seen at mountain harbor b&b)
She has been slack packing her husband since she is recovering from a painful issue with her leg.  She met me at the b&b, drive me to Kroger and dropped me off for lunch at the Heritage. Great place for burgers and beer on main street in Waynesboro.
During lunch, I met a nice guy and we talked each others' ears off. He is an 18th century living historian, a flint lock enthusiast, and a farmer. Later his delightful wife joined us. Nice folks everywhere.
Pillows and a mattress, here I come!

Pics: Wayne and his wife; Waynesboro marker; dinner (red wine wine not shown)

Sunday may 26

Harpers creek shelter (830.3) to Paul c. Wolfe shelter (852.3)...holy crap I walked 22 miles!
Of course I woke up at 530..this madness must stop (I'll be really excited to be able to sleep late...) I have to admit that the forest world is beautiful at 630am.
I was walking at 7...I checked on team fortis to make sure they were up and moving and on I went.
Up, up, up three ridges mountain. Then on,on,on forward.
I tried my hand at "yogi-ing" several times yesterday and today. (that is to say, "passive aggressive begging") and found I'm not very good at it. I've been craving fresh fruit...I could've drank a half gallon of cranberry juice if I'd had it. About noon today I finally succeeded. As I hiked through reeds gap (the AT Crosses over the blue ridge parkway repeatedly..this is one of those spots), a group of day hikers stopped to ask the usual questions:
Are you a thru hiker?
Where did you start?
When did you start?
How far have you hiked?
I mentioned something about how fresh fruit is such a treat...a very nice lady named Barbara offered to bring me some fruit. She said she'd met me 5 miles ahead at dripping rock crossing in 2 hours.
Now, the only problem is that I hadn't had my morning break yet. I had hiked 8.3 miles without stopping..I was tired..but I couldn't Dilly dally if I only had 2 hours to go 5 on I went, cursing myself for not planning better.
This Barbara lady was incredible. Not only did she arrive with fruit, but she met me on the trail about a mile before I reached the destination..she walked with me and kept me company which helps a lot. She brought me a nice crisp apple and a baggie of cherries! She left me sitting in the shade at cedar cliffs (842.5...nice view) to eat and relax a bit.
This is memorial day weekend, by the way, and there are a LOT of day hikers and over nighters on the trails.
I kicked my shoes off, peeled of my socks and settled down on the rocks to relax and admire the view...eating my fresh fruit..I happened to look down and noticed all the chiggers crawling around.....DANG I jumped up and wiped off my legs and ankles...
2 men and 3 little girls were having a picnic in the shade..complete with blankets...they kindly invited me over for hummus and veggies..of course I accepted. I enjoyed the girls (ages 5-10?) asking various questions about my hike and they learned what chiggers look like. Hummus and carrots: so good...oh, and a ham sandwich and corn tortilla chips.... after my augmented lunch, I laid back in the shade to relax for a minute. That's when I got busted by team fortis. I wondered why they hadn't caught up yet. Turns out m80 themed his ankle this morning right out of camp so they were a little slower than usual. I was so glad to finally see them. We walked together the rest of the way. They decided they couldn't stop 5 miles out of town and were going all the way TODAY. (27 miles..and he had a hurt ankle) he did have a good point in saying that if he stopped, he wouldn't be able to walk on in the morning..had rather rest in town. They left me at the shelter (and made fun of me for stopping) and went on....I knew is get to sleep in and only had 5 miles to go in the morning..I was happy with that.
I was also so happy to get to lie down and be off my feet..that was a long day. But I did it and survived.
No ibuprofen today, either!
Pics: me after finishing 3 ridges, view from 3 ridges

Saturday may 25

Good breakfast, then on with this hiking business!
Alan dropped me off at the base of Crabtree falls. 1.7 miles up to the top, another mile to VA 826(gravel), 0.5 miles to the AT: 3.3 approach to mile marker 821.8 then hiked to Harpers creek shelter (830.3): 11.7 miles today. Not bad since I started at 11:30 and the first 4 miles were uphill...
Nova passed by me today like I was standing still..that girl was moving! She told me later that the need for a privy was the motivation..I understood! Maybe she had too many fig Newtons...

The plan tomorrow is 22 miles to Paul c Wolfe shelter which will leave only 5 miles into town on Monday.
We'll see how it goes. That'll be my new personal record..and there's a heck of a climb up 3 ridges mountain first thing.(2300 ft climb up to 4000 ft)
Here tonight: Newton in the shelter with me (shared laundry in Daleville); rainbow braids, nova, team fortis tenting...I love sleeping by a creek..the steady noise is comforting.
No pics. I am a loser for not taking any photos of Alan and Phyllis. I realized the error of my ways soon after he dropped me off.. It's a wonder I have sense enough to keep my gear in order. Embrace the dementia.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Friday may 24

Punch bowl shelter (790.8) to US route 60  (802.1)
3Rd day walking with team fortis (m80, trooper, willow) ..these are fast walking, entertaining folks. M80 is rear end Charlie, I'm on point,  trooper is behind me, willow is between mom & dad.

All the stories and pictures of timber rattlesnakes have me a bit edgy up front. I'm already focusing as hard as possible on the trail ahead..looking for any movement or variation in the usual patterns.
One day this week (yesterday?) someone left a handwritten note ON the trail, secured by a rock, that a huge rattlesnake had been spotted at 330 pm..we came across the note at 430 pm...this did not help my snake paranoia. I can't look any harder..I just can't.
We've seen a few black snakes..they are longer than I thought they'd be (why did I even HAVE an idea of the length of this snake?) I also had the uninformed opinion that I would somehow be able to hear a snake as it slithered through the dry leaves. That black snake was absolutely silent as all 5 feet of it wiggled away....ugh.
Its much cooler today after the thunderstorms last night. A refreshing change as the past few days have been hot and humid. You know how the sweat drips of your nose, eyebrows, elbows, chin, etc..? Yeah, like that. It's been hard to drink enough. I can't carry enough water. I start the day with 3 liters in my hydration bladder and 12oz in my little nalgene. I put either a "nuun" electrolyte tablet or gatorade powder in the nalgene. When we cross a stream we "camel up": drink as much as you can hold at the source...thereby saving your hydration bladder for the long stretches without a water source. I usually fill up my 2L platypus and drink through my Sawyer filter..1-1.5L if I can hold it.

We arrived at my destination at 2 pm..about an hour earlier than anticipated. Luckily, my host could come and fetch me. It was cold and windy sitting out in the exposed parking area. My "hosts" are parents of a friend, Christine. Her parents are Alan & Phyllis. Alan gave me the nickel tour of Lexington, VA. I saw stonewall Jackson's grave & family plot at the cemetery & Robert E Lee's final resting place on the campus of VMI. Alan took me by the outfitters; while unable to provide what I needed, they were as helpful as possible, even calling other local businesses to see of they could locate what I needed.
Phyllis knows how to spoil a tired & ragged hiker: she brought a glass of red wine to me and said "soak as long you want in the jetted tub...there's bubble bath, too". I hated to I showered and soaked and drank the wine. Then I drank another glass before dinner. Then one more with dinner.
Dinner was equally decadent: grilled steaks, fresh corn on the cob, fresh asparagus, salad with greens from the garden, baked potato....mmmmm.
I also had to sleep in a king sized bed. I wasn't sure if I could sleep with all that space..somehow I managed. After a wonderful breakfast including homemade grape jelly, Alan took me to the post office then dropped me off to continue my hike. I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with them, so I think I may visit Lexington, VA again soon. Thank you so much, Christine! Your parents are great.  I owe you.
Pics: sign in  the forest; stonewall Jackson

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thursday may 23

Happy birthday Sawyer!

Awakened by a very persistent whip-poor-will at 5am...I don't know what he was trying to tell me, but I'm sure I didn't need to know about it that early.

Left camp at 730....18 miles to punch bowl shelter today.(772.6 -790.8)
Morning break at Matts creek. On the way down to Matts creek, I stopped to listen. There was this strange high pitched, constant steady tone. Was that some sort of alarm going off down near the James river? Something with a hydro electric plant? We kept walking. Lunch at johns hollow(782)..dried our our tents in the sunshine...poor Shutterbug has been eaten alive by the bugs. Apparently there were biting bugs at Bryant shelter...someone had put a note about that on the shelter journal.
That noise is the drone of cicadas! Their molts are everywhere. There are cicadas everywhere once you start looking for them.
Crossed the James river. A few guys jumped into the river off the way..too murky to see what's under the surface..and too far down..
  we arrived at our destination with daylight to spare! Cave man is here work his German shepherd, Jessie. Tallulah, easy e, gravy...many more tenting. A big thunderstorm rolled through..those are so nice when you're in the shelter.

Pics: easy e on the foot bridge over the James river; a sad memorial to a lost little boy; view from big bluff mtn

Wednesday may 22

Up at 5am..Jennings creek (751.7)
Morning break at Bryant ridge shelter (755.5)
Tenting tonight at marble springs (772.6)

Bryant ridge shelter is my new favorite design: picnic table in a recessed, but accessible area. 3 levels: the  covered deck, a step up to the bottom sleeping area, up a ladder to the upper sleeping area which is oriented 90° to the lower sleeping area. Whole thing is very open feeling and there are many plexiglas panels that let in tons of light.

Those fig Newtons caught up to me today! I had the sudden lower abdominal gassy bloat and cramping...I had to relieve the pressure and didn't trust anything except squatting in the woods or in the privy...(may be more than just air in there)..made for a day of very fast walking. I breezed right on though the guillotine without a photo shoot...we had to  practically run the last mile ahead of a thunderstorm..made it to camp just as the bottom fell out. Many thanks to Larry and Eric, 2 trail angels that helped me set up my tent in the windy rain. They also gathered  gallons of water and had a filter handy, gathered and took our trash, handed out some food treats....thanks a million guys!
Long day, I'm too tired to socialize and it's raining...I got in my tent and didn't come out.
Pics: Bryant shelter; pink trillium