Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday, march 31

Look out gatlinburg, here we come!
After a 3.5 mile climb to clingmans dome through ankle deep ice water (my feet were completely drenched the first 100 yards), the decision had to be made: continue on the slippery slope trail down to the gap (I am determined to have 0 falls today..only 2 yesterday) or take the snowy  (closed) road from the dome down to the gap..the footing will be more predictable. Dragonfly, onyx and I (maybe more, who knows) decide to take the road for part of the 7 miles down.. Not as good an idea as it seemed as there was at least 12 inches of snow covering the road..for almost 6 miles, I followed a narrow foot path, totally alone except for the fog. (dragonfly and onyx were pretty far ahead of me as I took the time to text zag of my decision to take the road down...she actually got the text after she arrived at our destination..I was already in gatlinburg!)
On my right side was the drop off down the side of the mountain, on my left were the frozen waterfalls and huge rock cliff face from which a boulder could break off at any moment...the foot path often directly underneath the cliff...forcing me to posthole through the snow to avoid certain death from falling chunks of mother they ice or rock...she wasn't getting me today!  I got back on the trail asap at lost Indian gap and walked, slid, skied the last few miles on the AT. I totally expected to come out to an empty parking lot on Easter Sunday..but I was so mistaken! I was greeted with wonderful trail magic!  I sat on the sidewalk with my soaking wet self and cried. I was so overwhelmed by the presence of not just people, but kind and caring people with bowls of hot chili with fritos,  chocolate milk, brownies, and ham sandwiches. Two sets of trail magic doting on a wet, tired, stinky middle aged hiker woman...I was so happy, I picked up that cute little woman as I have her a big old hug! She (mountain momma) and her husband (godspeed) are trail magic regulars at newfound gap. The other trail magic couple were Beth and ?

I got a ride with some friends of mtn momma, Lin and ? Stuffed me and my backpack into the backseat of her Vw beetle convertible for the ride down to gatlinburg. We parted ways at the noc outfitters. One of our 2 boxes were there. I made myself comfortable at the huge fireplace, removing my shoes and having my own, personal shoe and sock today right there in the store. People did come up and ask about thru hiking..why, how, are you safe?, etc. zag and streak eventually joined me and we ended up staying at the grand prix motel.....good dinner at an Italian restaurant..complete with red wine...Ahhhhhh heaven...happy Easter y'all!

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